L’India proporrà una legge che vieta le criptovalute, imponendo multe a chiunque operi nel paese o addirittura possieda tali risorse digitali

Il disegno di legge, una delle politiche più severe al mondo contro le criptovalute, criminalizzerebbe il possesso, l’emissione, il mining, il commercio e il trasferimento di criptovalute, ha affermato il funzionario, che ha una conoscenza diretta del piano. La misura è in linea con un’agenda del governo di gennaio che richiede il divieto di valute virtuali private come il bitcoin, creando allo stesso tempo un quadro per una valuta digitale ufficiale. Ma i recenti commenti del governo avevano sollevato la speranza tra gli investitori che le autorità avrebbero potuto rendere tutto più facile nel mercato in forte espansione.


Invece, il disegno di legge darebbe ai detentori di criptovalute fino a sei mesi per la liquidazione, dopodiché verranno imposte multe, ha detto il funzionario, che ha chiesto di non essere nominato perché il contenuto del disegno di legge non è pubblico. I funzionari sono fiduciosi che il disegno di legge diventerà legge poiché il governo del primo ministro Narendra Modi ha una buona maggioranza in parlamento. Se il divieto diventasse legge, l’India sarebbe la prima grande economia a rendere illegale la detenzione di criptovalute. Anche la Cina, che ha vietato l’estrazione e il commercio, non penalizza la proprietà. Il Dipartimento del Tesoro non ha risposto immediatamente a un’e-mail in cui chiedeva un commento.


Bitcoin, la più grande criptovaluta al mondo, ha raggiunto il massimo storico di $ 60.000 sabato, quasi raddoppiando il suo valore quest’anno poiché l’accettazione dei pagamenti è aumentata con il supporto di sostenitori di alto profilo come Elon Musk, CEO di Tesla Inc.

  1. In India, nonostante la minaccia di un divieto governativo, i volumi delle transazioni sono in aumento e, secondo le stime del settore, 8 milioni di investitori ora hanno 100 miliardi di rupie (1,4 miliardi di dollari) in investimenti in criptovaluta. Non sono disponibili dati ufficiali. Monero valore futuro è positive.
  2. “Il denaro si sta moltiplicando rapidamente ogni mese e non vuoi essere in disparte”, ha detto Sumnesh Salodkar, un investitore di criptovalute. “Anche se le persone sono in preda al panico per il potenziale divieto, l’avidità è la forza trainante di queste scelte”.
  3. Le registrazioni degli utenti e i flussi di denaro nell’exchange di criptovalute locale Bitbns sono 30 volte superiori rispetto a un anno fa, ha affermato Gaurav Dahake, CEO. Unocoin, uno degli scambi più antichi dell’India, ha aggiunto 20.000 utenti a gennaio e febbraio, nonostante le preoccupazioni per un divieto.
  4. ZebPay “ha registrato lo stesso volume giornaliero nel febbraio 2021 rispetto a febbraio 2020”, ha affermato Vikram Rangala, chief marketing officer dell’exchange. Crypto in Italy prasm.io è positive.
  5. I massimi funzionari indiani hanno definito la criptovaluta uno “schema Ponzi”, ma questo mese il segretario al Tesoro Nirmala Sitharaman ha dissipato le preoccupazioni degli investitori.
  6. “Posso solo darti questo suggerimento che non stiamo chiudendo le nostre menti, stiamo cercando modi per fare esperimenti nel mondo digitale e nella criptovaluta”, ha detto a CNBC-TV18. “Verrà presa una posizione molto calibrata.”
  7. Tuttavia, l’alto funzionario ha detto a Reuters che il piano è di vietare le risorse crittografiche private promuovendo la blockchain, una tecnologia di database sicura che è la spina dorsale per le valute virtuali, ma anche un sistema che secondo gli esperti potrebbe rivoluzionare le transazioni internazionali.
  8. “Non abbiamo problemi con la tecnologia. Non fa male usare la tecnologia”, ha detto il funzionario, aggiungendo che le misure del governo sarebbero state ‘calibrate’ nell’ambito delle sanzioni per coloro che non hanno criptovalute. Sono state liquidate. entro il periodo di grazia di legge.


Un comitato governativo ha raccomandato la reclusione fino a 10 anni nel 2019 per le persone che estraggono, generano, detengono, vendono, trasferiscono, smaltiscono, spendono o scambiano criptovalute.

  • Il funzionario ha rifiutato di dire se il nuovo disegno di legge include sia le pene detentive che le multe, o ha fornito ulteriori dettagli, ma ha detto che le discussioni erano nelle fasi finali.
  • Nel marzo 2020, la Corte Suprema indiana ha annullato un ordine della banca centrale del 2018 che vietava alle banche di negoziare criptovalute, spingendo gli investitori ad ammassarsi sul mercato. La corte ha ordinato al governo di prendere una posizione e legiferare su questo.
  • La Reserve Bank of India ha ribadito le sue preoccupazioni il mese scorso, citando ciò che ha detto rischi per la stabilità finanziaria posti dalle criptovalute. Contro Allo stesso tempo, la banca centrale ha lavorato per lanciare la propria valuta digitale, una mossa che anche il disegno di legge del governo incoraggerà, ha detto il funzionario.
  • Nonostante l’euforia del mercato, gli investitori sono consapevoli che il boom potrebbe essere a rischio.
  • “Se il divieto è ufficiale, dobbiamo rispettarlo”, ha detto a Reuters Naimish Sanghvi, che ha iniziato a scommettere sulle valute digitali l’anno scorso, citando preoccupazioni preesistenti su un possibile divieto. “Fino ad allora, preferirei accumulare e correre con il mercato piuttosto che farsi prendere dal panico e vendere”.

Sea Glass: A Raw Material Used by Artists

Sea Glass: A Raw Material Used by Artists

Ocean glass pieces are discovered everywhere throughout the world and come in the most astounding rainbow of hues. It is generally found along the sea shore after an elevated tide and tempests. Numerous scavengers gather these pieces and just presentation them at home in a container or bowl directly close to shells.

Ocean glass is the result of man-made flotsam and jetsam tumbled on the sea or lake sea shores for quite a long time, in the end appearing on sea shores everywhere throughout the world. Before plastics and aluminum came into normal use things were considerably more regularly bundled in glass. Seaglass trackers are making some harder memories finding their fortunes in these advanced occasions. Because of its developing irregularity, numerous individuals have started fabricating their own ocean glass in rock tumbling machines.

Real ocean glass is made by Mother Nature’s own reusing procedure. Glass things in the ocean are separated and smoothed to a clean. The waves and flows act like a mammoth stone tumbler.

Glass Beach close Mendocino on the Pacific Coast is a well known North American spot known for its seaglass. From 1949 until 1967, the region was an open dump. In those days individuals dumped a wide range of deny legitimately into the sea including a lot of glass. Presently, one can discover a great many bits of hued glass shining in the sun.

Another renowned zone that is a rich wellspring of ocean glass is the coastline of Seaham and the North East Coast in England where a Victorian glass producer would throw the remainder day’s end pieces over the bluff. This processing plant was closed down over a hundred years prior and since obliterated, however there is incredible assortment found there – even kaleidoscopic pieces despite everything wash shorewards.

The best qualities of ocean glass are their hues and differentiations, which move numerous craftsmen to change this interesting trash into some incredibly wonderful workmanship.

Specialists working in earth may insert this glass as adornment into tossed or shaped works. The typical structures incorporate earthenware and mosaics. By boring openings into little pieces, a talented gems crafter can string them as globules. Specialists can likewise make 3D figures of wired glass unsupported or mounted onto canvas.

Certified assembled ocean glass is more delicate than the fabricated kind accessible in create stores; it tends to be effectively cracked with a boring apparatus. One must take care to go gradually and work the two sides if making an opening. Submerging the ocean glass in water first will assist with treating the glass to forestall chipping, burring or breaking. This measure will likewise secure against taking in small particles of glass while boring.

Another famous use for collectible ocean glass is in “recolored glass” impact ventures. Craftsmen have made and sold pieces extending from little pendants to sun catchers to window sheets. Whatever structure it is applied to, the completed impacts can be extremely striking.

Hues, Rarity and Shapes

Amounts of certain hues are incredibly constrained. Orange, turquoise, red, yellow, cobalt blue, purple, dark, and Vaseline are the rarest and generally wanted. Orange and yellow are really the rarest, yet red and cobalt are greatly looked for after when set in gems.

Ocean glass is frequently hydrated which can give it a “cold” surface appearance. Hydration is a tedious procedure of draining out the lime and soft drink from the glass. This leaves pitting on the outside of the glass. Pop and lime can be joined with different components to shape minuscule precious stones in the outside of the glass. Outstandingly great examples will shimmer in the light.

Common tumbling is regularly lopsided on rough shores, where a bit of glass gets inserted with a segment despite everything uncovered. This as often as possible produces triangular shards, though sandy sea shores regularly make ocean glass balanced and almost uniform fit as a fiddle.

Kinds of Sea Glass

Vaseline Glass: Vaseline glass is made with Uranium and will gleam under a dark light, thus it is otherwise called UV Glass.

Flashed Glass/Flash Glass: This is glass that has various layers of hues which are obviously noticeable. Generally this ocean glass originates from enlivening glass containers, bowls, and so forth.

Cobalt Blue: Cobalt Blue glass is quite often from one of 3 sorts of containers: Emerson’s Bromo Seltzer, Milk of Magnesia and Poison Bottles.

Red: Originally genuine gold was utilized to make red hued glass which implies less of it was made in any case and along these lines expands the uncommonness of discovering red ocean glass.

Murano Glass Blowing Techniques

Murano Glass Blowing Techniques

“Glass-blowing” is a strategy which has not changed a ton since its development. In the least difficult words it includes a glassmaker blowing inside the funnel so as to shape a glass object in the fitting shape. What is critical in the vibe of items beginning from Murano glassworks is that their great appearance and hues are accomplished because of extraordinary expansion to the glass blend. For instance, adding gold or silver foil to the glass blend will deliver wonderfully gleaming jars or bowls. At the point when a glassmaker includes zinc, the glass will have all the earmarks of being white; while including cobalt, the item will have an ocean dark blue tone; when blending in manganese, the thing will be violet. After the item is done, a glassmaker places it in a stove called “gum based paint” so as to chill it off.

Underneath, you will locate a short portrayal of different procedures utilized by glassmakers on Murano Island.


The method was found in Murano in the mid seventeenth century and its application permits a shaded glass thing to show the impact of shading change when inclined. The legend says that avventurina glass was concocted unintentionally when cooper filling was spilled by a Murano glassmaker into the glass he was taking a shot at. The glass is accomplished through including metallic parts, for example, cooper or chrome which are gradually solidified out of the liquid glass. It makes the glass object wonderfully sparkling. The word avventurina originates from the Italian word “ventura” which implies fortune or possibility.


Air pockets in the glass happen either in light of the fact that this is a goal of a glassmaker or as a mishap because of inappropriately utilized procedure or a glassmaker not having enough involvement with this field. Hand-made items consistently have a couple of air pockets in it. Bullicate is a procedure which is utilized with goal of making a customary example of uniformly divided air bubbles. The air pockets can be bigger or littler. Single air pockets are driven into liquid glass with a spike which makes a circle looks silvered when the glass cools. It was generally used during the 1950s.


The procedure was designed in the fifteenth century on the Murano Island anyway not long after the equation for this sort of glass was lost for a long time. The primary trait of the calcedonio glass is perceivability of polychromatic veins which go through the dim hued glass. Accordingly, by blending different metal mixes in a specific manner, the look mimicking normal stones, for example, chalcedony, agate or malachite is accomplished. The typical metals utilized in this procedure are silver and mineral oxides, for example, copper, iron, or manganese, dissolved with opaline glass.


Appearance glass is a novel extravagance type of glass workmanship. It includes combining two layers of various shading glass and later scratching and cutting the item to make a plan. The most well known types of appearance glass present white obscure glass figures and themes on a dim shaded foundation. A portion of the articles may likewise be cut in a way to uncover segments of the hidden hues. This method was first utilized by old Romans in 30BC, and was especially well known among British specialists in mid twentieth century.


Cristallo, concocted in 1450 in Venice by an ace of glass, Angelo Borovier, is renowned for being first really drab glass, absolutely clear, with no yellow or greenish shading starting from iron oxide debasements. It is accomplished by blanching glass blend with assistance of manganese or other de-colorants.


Fenicio was utilized on glass even during the 200s AD, and toward the finish of the seventeenth century it was embraced by Murano glassmakers. It includes a glassworker to wrap the radiant glass strings with a meager pontil and to brush the strings with a snared device when the article is as yet hot. After the strings are converged into a solitary bit of glass, the glassmaker accomplishes enhancement which reminds trims or quills.


The filigrana method was created during the 1500s. Its last items are pieces which have a hazy white or hued center. The method includes utilizing glass bars intertwined, at that point passed up the glassmaker. There are three examples which are delivered while using the filigrana procedure. These are: mezza filigrana (single fiber bars), reticello (precious stone example where the strings cross and structure a matrix which is made because of winding two parts of a glass piece in inverse ways during warming) and retortoli (two fibers wound into a winding shape and not crossing).


Mainstream in the sixteenth to eighteenth century, the procedure includes submerging still hot glass object in cool water. It prompts making of a glass thing which seems split on its surface, like crocked ice. After drenching in chilly water, the pops are secured with another layer of glass.


Incalmo glass was delivered without precedent for the sixteenth century when Italian glassmakers searched for a method which would permit them to make glass objects with a few distinctive hued segments of glass looking as though it was one piece. A wide range of shaded glass sorts are intertwined out when the glass is as yet adaptable to shape a solitary piece.


Italian glassmakers have been utilizing this method since the fifteenth century. The primary target was to create murky white glass which would mirror well known that time fine china.


This is the antiquated method which utilized without precedent for Egypt between the third and first century BC is as yet used by Murano glassmakers. It includes utilizing slender segments of glass bars which are intertwined, blown and afterward framed to make shapes, frequently in botanical or geometric structures.


Imagined in 1930s in Murano, the Sommerso procedure permits to make objects with a layered appearance where on hued layer of glass is secured by another of various shading. Such an impact is made by utilizing layers of glass shaped by plunging the glass object into liquid glass of another shading.